
I'm Back!

Its been awhile since I’ve posted. I’ve been having a tough time with my teeth. Those things still havent popped through yet. But, Daddy says they’re close. Boy, I hope so. I woke up last night crying for my Mummy because they hurt so bad.

Nothing much is going on with me. I’ve learned a few tricks in the last week. I can go back to sitting on my bum when I’m on my tummy. I’m crawling backwards. I cant figure out how to go forward yet. Hmmm. I’ve been saying “Ma Ma”, “Da Da”, “Ba Ba” and shaking my head like Stevie Wonder. I love playing on the floor with my toys. I go to the pool with other babies and we hang out in the water. I’ve moved into the big tubby because I always wanted to get out of my baby tub. I started to drink out of my sippy cup, still a little clumsy, but I’m getting the hang of it.

Well, it looks like I HAVE been up to a lot lately. I’m just growing and learning so fast! Here are some new pictures from the past couple of days!


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