
Been Awhile...

Hi! Its been awhile since I’ve been online to update my blog! Its taken me that long to recover from my trip to visit Gramma Kim. I think I’m all back to normal now. I had a couple of nights where I woke up in the night and had a party in my crib. Thats what my mummy calls them.

Not much has been going on. We had a cook out for the holiday on Sunday. There were lots of weird people around me. I kinda got scared. Mummy or Daddy didnt let me have any of the food. What is up with that? All I got was squash.

This week, I was hoping to go in my first swimming pool. But, Daddy says it looks like its going to rain and be too chilly for me to go. :( Mummy bought me a new bathing suit. Its pink with ice cream cones on it. I have 4 suits now! I’ll have to do a fashion show for you.

Here are a couple of pictures from this weekend. I got a new swing! Its a big girl swing. I look so pretty. Also, while we were getting my swing, a lady came up to Mummy and asked if she could take my pictures. Probably because I’m so cute. So I got a photo shoot for free! I think I am one cute peanut, if you ask me.

My new swing!

Me in Daddy’s hat


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