
Two Month Appointment

Hi Everyone! Its Olivia’s Mummy. I’m writing a new post for Olivia because she’s a bit exhausted today. She had quite the eventful day for such a little girl. She had her 2 month doctor’s appointment today @ 2:30. We saw Dr Mary.

Olivia wasnt very happy. Once we got to the office, she started fussing about in her car seat. So, Dad took her out and they went and watched the fishies in the big fish tank they have. We got to the room and we had to take her clothes off. She doesnt like being naked on the table with the tissue paper stuff. She got weighed, measured, looked over, and then… she got her vaccines. 2 shots, 1 in each leg and 1 oral vaccine (which she didnt mind all that much). She screamed and got 2 Garfield band-aids on each of her thighs. We quickly dressed her up and packed her back into her car seat and Dad went out to the car and fed her a bottle while I made her next appointment. She fell asleep on the ride home and went to sleep in her crib for about 3.5 hours. She woke up about an hour ago and she had a bottle (7oz!!!!) and went back to sleep. Hopefully she’ll wake up in about an hour and we’ll have a bath and bottle, then go to sleep for the night.

Here are her 2 month stats:

Weight - 12lbs 15oz (83 percentile for her age group)

Length - 24inches (2 feet!! 86 percentile)

I was telling her Dr about her poo. Yeah, I know, such is the life of a mom. So, the doctor told us to put 1oz of prune juice into her bottle once a day. I hope that helps my little girl out. :) Other than that, she’s a very healthy, growing girl. Her next appointment is 4 month. Which is April 8th.

I’m sure Olivia will be posting soon enough. She just needed a little break to recover after today.


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