
I'm a Pierced Girl

Yesterday dad took me to the mall and we got my ears pierced. I think I look cute. They had me sit on dads lap. Then the girl took a marker and marked my earlobes where they were going to pierce. I didnt know what the place was, or what they did there. I thought we were there to play. But i soon learned we werent there to play. The girl stepped back and to see if the dots lined up. She said my cheeks were too big and she couldnt see my ears from infront of me. So dad had to squeeze my cheeks together so that she could see. Then the 2 ladies went up to my 2 poor innocent little ears and counted to 3 and squeezed a trigger than shot a needle through each ear. Oh it hurt so so bad. I didnt know they were going to do that. But I was a big girl about it and within 30 seconds or so I stopped screaming. After that it was like nothing happened. Dads had many ear piercings, like 6 or so. He told me that it only hurts for a second. He didnt tell me what the word piercing meant though. I think their fun though. My mom has had her eye, tounge, and belly button pierced. My dad has had his eye and tounge done. They said when I get big enough I can get ones like that. I cant wait.


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